Our Trainnings

CMS Trainning

CMS Trainning

Drawing on years of experience delivering training for a wide range of clients, ’s training sessions cover leading content management solutions, including our proprietary Amaxus® framework and the Sitecore CMS, to ensure your web team acquires the knowledge and skills required to manage an effective digital strategy. Using structured exercises to take users through the various elements of the system, these interactive courses are usually conducted with groups of between two and four to provide a personalised, tailored service, with sessions available for a full range of roles including:

AuthorModeratorAdministratorAdvanced technicalArchitectDesignerInternal trainer

The benefits

A web CMS offers organisations endless potential for creating an engaging, high-quality web presence, from publishing a wide range of content to streamlining your site’s information architecture for increased findability. ’s programme of training courses enables users across your business to maximise their capabilities by gaining an in-depth understanding of the techniques, tools and processes relevant to their role and responsibility.


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